The other important aspect that anyone intending to sell a house as a private individual must take care of is the verification of all the technical , cadastral and administrative documentation of the property.
Our advice is to immediately check all the documents to have the guarantee that the property is suitable for sale and to avoid nasty surprises in ongoing negotiations.
Some of the necessary documents include the deed of provenance, the floor plan and the cadastral survey, the certificate of viability, the energy performance certificate , the CIS ( Certificate of Static Suitability ) if it is a property with more than 50 years and the condominium regulation
Relying on a real estate agency involves a considerable reduction in the effort and time necessary to put together the whole dossier, but above all the guarantee of having all the documentation in order . A good real estate agent will be able to show you how to intervene in advance to remedy any irregularities and avoid nasty surprises just when the sale seemed to be made.
Selling a house privately: what are the advantages?
But then, why not simplify your life and rely on a professional in the sector? The real (and only) advantage of selling a house privately rather than through a real estate agency is the savings on sales commissions .
On average, the percentage that would be saved is 2-3% of the sale price of the property. For example: on the sale of a property whose valuation is € 150,000, if you do not pay the commission, the savings compared to a traditional agency are € 5490 (commission at 3% + VAT). However, there are real estate agencies like ours that allow you to sell a house quickly by requesting zero commissions from the seller. Find out more about our Autonomous Sale at Zero Commissions .
Why sell with an agency?
What are the risks of selling as a private individual? If on the one hand the advantage is savings, on the other what are the risks of selling a house as a private individual?